Pen Friend Website
Have you ever considered that the greatest friend you may ever have could be someone you have never met, living in a country you have never visited?
If you are looking for a prison pen pal, you have come to the right place! We believe everyone needs a friend and deserves a second chance. So look through our ALL OF OUR MEMBERS to find the perfect prison pen pal for you. Even though these inmates are currently incarcerated, you will find through your correspondence with these men and women that they still have so much to offer.
International Pen Friends has over 300.000 members in 192 countries and we can provide you with new friends in your own age group from most countries around the world. International Pen Friends was established in 1967 and since that time we have processed over 2 million application forms. Our commitment and high level of service has led to us being recognised as the greatest pen friend organisation in the world.
Writing Letters is Fun!

Today it is possible to reach into the hearts and homes of people in almost every country in the world. It is interesting and exciting to learn how people in foreign countries live, to learn about their daily life and culture and perhaps at a later date, to visit them and to share the joy of lifelong friendship.
- Older pen pals aged 35 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60 and 60 to 70. Welcome to the 35 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60 and 60 to 70 Older Pen Pals online. This is the place to be if you're looking for mature internet pen pals in these age groups. Use the Older Pen Pals Search to find pen pals in your age group.
- A language exchange with a pen pal from South Korea is an excellent way to make a friend from South Korea, learn about its culture and improve your foreign language skills. This type of exchange is suitable for language learners of all skill levels, even beginners. Because you have a common goal to help each other learn while discussing common.
Pen Friends In Usa
Despite the many forms of communication available today, it is interesting that the most common feedback we receive from our members is the enjoyment and fun they gain by receiving letters in the mail. It is hard to match the anticipation of waiting for letters to arrive and to see what treasures they contain this time.
COVID-19 has fundamentally affected the world and while social distancing is essential, it is also important to stay in touch with people in ways that do not require physical closeness. Letter-writing provides a way to communicate with people in words and thoughts that will last for generations. Writing and receiving letters is a lot of fun and it is an activity that can be greatly enjoyed when there is more time than usual to spare.
International Pen Friends Scam
According to the authorities, it is perfectly safe to send and receive letters and the international postal service is still operating, but postal delivery may be slower than normal. It is advisable to check with your post office (or post office website) to determine how postal services have been affected in the countries you are sending letters to. You may need to postpone sending letters to some countries until the postal services resume.
International Pen Friends is open and operating according to all safety and government requirements. Our pen friend service is available for people to join as normal and we look forward to welcoming both new and previous members during this difficult time. We hope that now more than ever, the pen friend experience will help people establish new friendships and bring a special kind of joy and happiness to each day.
Whether you are looking for a true friend, would like to improve your foreign language skills or extend your knowledge of other countries and their cultures, International Pen Friends will provide you with many exciting and interesting contacts.
We believe that international correspondence has a part to play in creating global friendship and understanding — maybe not a huge part, but still an important one.
Change your world today!
Yours Sincerely,
Pen Friends Online

International Pen Friends

Pen Pal Websites
P.S. Don´t forget to tell your friends about our penfriend club!