Eharmony Profile Examples
So, I folded and started up with eHarmony again. What can I say? I’m a masochist. But, once again, I’m struck by how TERRIBLE the profiles are for the guys. There’s always the chance that these guys are actually really great people, but their profiles make them seem as interesting as C-SPAN Canada.

Mar 17, 2008 But, once again, I’m struck by how TERRIBLE the profiles are for the guys. There’s always the chance that these guys are actually really great people, but their profiles make them seem as interesting as C-SPAN Canada. In the interest of helping romance, here are some tips for the guys on how to write an eHarmony profile that won’t get closed. Dec 20, 2019 Pictured are some dating profile examples for men that show the perfect amount of detail. Use Spell Check and Proper Grammar. If you can’t spell the word “beautiful” or “psychology” in your profile without messing it up, potential OkCupid dates really don’t need to know that. Aug 01, 2013 The Amount Counts. We pulled stats to date from 2013, and people who uploaded 4 or more photos received the most inquiries (communication) from their matches. Interestingly, women tend to post more pics than men (at a ratio of 6.4 vs. Men also reach out and initiate communication 67% of the time. Eharmony Profile Trick Online Program To Get More Dates & Girls Jan 03, 2021 Dating Profile Example # 3: Movie quote. Referencing movies or tv shows is a really great way to engage on a dating app. Even though you’re strangers, you’re already connected through this shared social consciousness, so swipers will automatically feel positively towards you.

In the interest of helping romance, here are some tips for the guys on how to write an eHarmony profile that won’t get closed.
Let’s start with the first question: What are you passionate about? Don’t say nothing. When a guy starts his profile saying he isn’t passionate about anything it is an immediate check mark against him. Nobody is passion-less. But the fact he puts nothing either means that his passion is really terrible (internet porn) or that he isn’t very self-aware. Both of those are turn-offs. So, put something down. Are you passionate about work? Your Pet? Beating Guitar Hero? Put that down. In fact, if you are passionate about guitar hero, comic books, and political debate then email me! But don’t say nothing. Please.
Next, it’s important that you fill out the entire profile. A lot of people skip the questions about books or what would friends notice about you. Don’t do that. I always close profiles that aren’t totally filled out. It makes me think that they aren’t serious or are lazy.
Oh, about that book question… don’t put down something like “How to Please a Woman Every Time” or “The LL Cool J Workout”. I know that you think that we will see that and thing “wow! he must be good in bed and/or likes working out. That’s Hot.” No, we think it’s creepy. Very creepy. It makes us think you are idiots who only think about sex or about looks. Also, the DaVinci Code sucked. Anyone who lists it as a book they enjoyed will be closed instantly by me, and anyone who cares about literature.
Finally, the picture. Wow, people post a lot of bad pictures. Don’t post your high school graduation picture from 10 years ago. We can see your age as 28. The picture is clearly 18. We’re not idiots. Also, no pictures with kids (unless they are your own), with you shirtless (makes you look superficial), or with you drinking (makes you look like a partier). And, finally, please don’t make your eharmony profile picture one of you with your ex-girlfriend. About 10% of the profiles I see have guys in a loving embrace with some other girl. Do you not have any pictures of yourselves? Can’t you take one?
Actually, a male friend of mine said that guys post those types of pictures because they think that by showing that they had a girlfriend before it will make women find them more attractive. It doesn’t work that way guys. It makes us think you’re still in love with the ex, and that’s baggage we don’t need to deal with.
Oh, and if you’re looking for an easy fuck then try or The women on eHarmony are there because they are looking for long term relationships. I’ve been disappointed by the guys I meet on eHarmony who are only interested in sex.
This post is a supplement to The Advanced Guide to Meeting Women on eHarmony & eHarmony Review
If you haven’t read it yet, start here.
Now for the eHarmony Makes or Breaks List.
The “Breaks” are more important so that’s where we’ll start.
And they are more important because they are littered with Red Flags.
Here’s an example:

What does this communicate to the girl?
This guy has been cheated on, definitely has trust issues because he was cheated on, there was probably a reason he was cheated on and she doesn’t want to waste her time finding out why he were cheated on….
See what I mean? So let’s stay away from the Red Flags.
Green – My 10 recommended Breaks
Red – Do NOT use these.
Black – These are somewhat neutral. If any stand out to you, they are ok to choose.
eHarmony Breaks
Traits | Values |
Vanity Dependence Lying Cheating Anger Rude Unhappy at Work Denial Workaholic Lazy Worrier Intolerance Victim Mentality Grudges Mean Spirited Fiscally Irresponsible Hypochondriac Excessive Overweight Gambling Intruding Family/Friends Depressed Cynicism Self-Centered Materialistic Childishness Petty Boorishness Drugs | Flirts Television Junkie Poor Hygiene Gossip Judgmental Addictions Undependable Foul Mouthed Extremely Shy Political Correctness Recklessness Sexually Obsessed Uninterested Infidelity Punctuality Racist Hypocrites Pornography Sloppy Cheap Arrogant Pessimism |
And now for the “Makes”. There are no “Red Flag” makes so you can select whichever are most important to you. Just think about the personality of your perfect girl and get to selecting.
Advanced Tip:
Think about what may be important to your type of girl then choose at least one “Make” if it’s something you want but wouldn’t normally select. This will build more of a connection.
For example; Many women on eHarmony want a guy that would like to start a family. Most guys don’t select Family even though they are interested in that with the right woman.
Eharmony Profile Questions
Traits Chemistry | Values Family Life Family No Children Social Living Sociability | Spirituality Spirituality Financial Responsible Sexuality Abstinent |
Eharmony Profile Examples For Women
Go back to the The Advanced Guide to Meeting Women on eHarmony & eHarmony Review