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Mailing address. InterracialDatingCentral, c/o Chellaul Corporation 1135 Terminal Way, Suite 209, Reno, NV, 89502, USA Fax. If you need to send us a fax then you can on +1 775 996 7271. The latest tweets from @BernieMrbiggz9. Adult Friend Finder isn't made especially for interracial dating, but users have. Black Female Interracial Marriage. Evia and Darren Coming Upon 20th Anniversary! Love, Appreciation, Respect. Darren and I will soon have been married 20 YEARS! We’ve made it a point to give each other the gifts of love, appreciation, and respect whenever interacting with each other. Mind you, there have been occasions when our communication. The latest tweets from @GayInterracial.
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Don’t use Tyler James Williams to promote your foolishness because he’ll find the time to get you together. That’s exactly what he did when one Black man decided to jump out there on Twitter and use Tyler’s interracial relationship as an example of why he believes that more Black men need to abandon Black women.

Some bum on Twitter decided that he was going to tell Black men that they all need to date white women with the raggedy argument that the “grass is greener & more beautiful on the other side.” He typed this while being every bit of the negative stereotypes that he labeled Black women.
Then he decided to tack Tyler’s picture to the vision board supporting his super-ashy argument. And that is when Tyler had to step in and correct him. “The grass ain’t greener nowhere,” Tyler tweeted in response. “You’ve got a problem w black women cause you a weak ass man, fam.”
His dating history aside, Tyler said a lot in just a few lines. And the message that came across loud and clear was “don’t loop me into your bullsh*t and leave Black women out of it, too.”
Tyler did make the faux pas of using ethnicity and race interchangeably, but here’s what I appreciate about his response. He showed up for Black women. So often, we assume that if a person is not dating within their race, then they must not care about their counterparts within it. What Tyler did was show everyone that isn’t the case–at least not with him. He showed that one does not have to bash Black women if they aren’t currently with a Black woman.
Sadly, we have seen examples that women of other races use some Black men’s willingness to bash Black women as a form of validation that they are supposedly a superior choice based on their skin color. Tyler setting the record straight on why he dates who he dates undercuts that notion because it focuses on the personal connection rather than a lack of Blackness. More than that, Tyler showed that basing your romantic choices on played out stereotypes (that could just as easily be applied against you) is a flimsy reason to exclusively date out. And that logic reveals a lot about the shortcomings of someone who subscribes to these ideas.
Most of all, Tyler let that everyone know that one Black man’s decision to date a non-Black woman should have nothing to do with Black women in general.

In the wake of the largest and most impassioned civil rights movement to take place since the 1960s, polled its 2 million social media followers and 10 million+ members about interracial dating and interracial relationships, asking questions about their hopes, interests, fears and concerns.

Questions ranged from concerns for the safety of future black children or mixed- race children to societal influences around interracial dating and relationships and more. Here is what they found (collage right: real InterracialDatingCentral couples):
Racial Preferences and Dating
50% of InterracialDatingCentral.commembers say they are attracted to people of all races
30% say they are attracted to more than one race
40% say they are only attracted to people of a different race (citing one particular race that is different from their own), with some overlap
Past Experiences
The majority of respondents, at 57% of both male and female respondents who participated, say they have had a negative experience when dating within their own race or ethnicity
The minority of respondents, at 30% of both males and females, say they have had only positive experiences when dating within their own race or ethnicity
For the remaining 13% it has been a mixed bag of experiences
Enjoyment and Challenges of Dating Someone of a Different Race/Culture
41% of male respondents and 44% of female respondents say that what they find most enjoyable about dating someone of another race or ethnicity lies in learning about new things such as foods, languages and cultural habits.
28% of males and 27% of females say they enjoy learning to incorporate values that differ from their own into their relationship
In citing what they find most challenging about dating someone of a different race, 30% say that encountering racism is the biggest challenge. Another 35% say the biggest challenge is incorporating cultural differences into their day-to-day lives.
25% of respondents report that what they find most challenging is dealing with disapproving relatives and friends.
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Mixed-Race Children
80% of respondents report having NO concerns about having mixed-race children, while 20% of respondents range in their response from slight concern to extremely concerned about how future or current mixed-race children will be treated/are treated.
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Celebrity Influence
70% say that seeing celebrity mixed-race couples in the media has NO bearing on their desire to pursue an interracial relationship. However, a substantial amount, at 30% of respondents, DOacknowledge that seeing celebrity mixed-race couples in the media has either made them more comfortable dating outside their own race, or has increased their own desire to pursue a relationship outside their race.
Political Views and Acceptance of Interracial Relationships
30% of respondents feel there is a moderate correlation between one’s political views and their acceptance of interracial relationships, 28% feel strongly that there is a correlation between someone’s political views and their acceptance of interracial relationships. 40% feel there is weak to NO correlation between one’s political views and their acceptance of interracial relationships.
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Black Sons and Black Daughters and Their Safety members were asked to voice their level of concern about the safety of a future black son or black daughter, when dating a black man or woman. 30% of men and 23% of women, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most concerned, say their concern level would be a 10 regarding fears for the safety of a future black son, with 60% of respondents expressing a concern level of 6 or higher on a scale of 1-10.
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55% responded that they do have some level of concern about the safety of a future black daughter, with 24% citing a 10 as their level of concern.