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Just when you think you have her/him all figured out, out of left-field comes a bolt of lightning that sends you reeling and questioning everything you ever thought you knew about your significant other. In partnership, each partner shines the light on the road when the road is dark as well as holds the mirror for the other to see the reflection of truth.

Whether you are married, living together, in a same-sex relationship, separated, divorced or single, our free relationship information, resources, or confidential relationship advice can help you to deal with your relationship difficulties.

Relationship help chat: Don’t settle for 40, 50, or even 80 percent. A relationship-it shouldn’t be too small or too tight or even a little scratchy. It shouldn’t take up space in your closet out of guilty conscience or convenience or a moment of desire. Do you hear me? It should be perfect for you. It should be lasting. Wait. Wait for 100 percent.

Get free relationship advice on relationship problems with friends and family, breaking up, cheating/infidelity, marriage, divorce, online dating, commitment issues, communication, domestic abuse, gay (LGBT) issues, jealousy, long distance relationships, sex and intimacy problems, and single life.

Relationship consultations cover soulmates & twin flames, present relationship issues, past incarnations experienced together, the spiritual opportunities and challenges of those incarnations and the appropriate path to walk in your present life to clear karmic influences.

Karmic relationships usually last from five to seven years. At the end of that cycle relationships often end but the love for one another is still present. Breaking out of a relationship when two people are still in love can be traumatic. By understanding your past history together a deeper insight into the governing forces of your present relationship is acquired.


This insight can give you the transformational tools needed to create a loving expression of support towards one another as you walk forward in this life together or individually.

Free relationship advice & counseling

We provide professional relationship counseling for singles and couples, whether you are heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual–love is for everyone! It can change your life forever. Learn the skills you need to create love, intimacy and commitment in your life.

Are you looking for relationship advice on love, romance, understanding men or understanding women? Get expert relationship advice today. Trying to avoid divorce? Get relationship advice for your relationship problems and help avoiding divorce by calling today.

We offer relationship advice, relationship quizzes, relationship coaching, relationship classes and a weekly relationship newsletter. Free relationship advice is available to anyone searching for relationship advice or marriage guidance. Topics covered include:

Recognizing your soulmate

Online Dating Suggestions

When a man and woman meet, go on date, or are in a relationship, there are two unique, very distinctive feelings and spiritual signals they communicate to one another that can help them determine whether they are soulmates. Our manual tells you what these feelings and spiritual signals are and how to recognize them when you meet someone new, are on a date, or in your current relationship.

Bouncing back and recovering from a break up

Being dumped can be one of the most painful experiences in someone’s life. This article will walk you through things you can do to get back in the game with the least down time.

Breaking up

Is continuing your relationship becoming more trouble then its worth? Go over the questions you need to ask yourself, and if necessary, tips on informing your new Ex.

Cheating “Aftermath”

You cheated. You did the unthinkable. What do you do now? Do you tell or not? Either course of action has its own drawbacks as well as its benefits. Before you decide, you should take time to figure out why you cheated, and whether or not you want to remain in the committed relationship.

Cheating “Why Not”

Thinking about cheating, but not sure if you can? Go over some of the more common reasons not to cheat.


There is something so exhilarating about flirting. Flirting does not necessarily mean you like a person but it does say you are playful and you like the “thrill of the hunt”. The easiest step to take in being a good flirt is to be friendly. Never let a past rejection cloud your judgment or make you wary.

Long distance relationship advice

Having a long distance between you and your loved one can be a difficult experience, even if your relationship makes it through. Walk through the steps to helping your relationship survive your time apart.

Meeting people

Learn where to go to meet people, as well as tips on starting conversation, and getting a phone number for later.

Passion in relationships

Have you ever noticed your relationships becoming old and stale? Discus the passion that was there at the start.


Nervous about approaching girls? Learn dating tricks that every guy needs to know!

Staying together

Having a successful long term relationship doesn’t just happen. Talk through important things to remember to make sure your relationship lasts for a long time.

Surviving valentines day


For couples, Valentine’s Day can be a pleasurable light-hearted occasion or a deeply romantic event. Unfortunately, the day can also create high expectations that result in disappointment. For single people, Valentine’s Day can be a painful reminder of the relationship they long for or the loneliness they feel in their lives. Learn how you can survive the occasion relatively intact.

Win her back – win him back

In the dog house? Need to find a way to get him back? Learn what you can do to get him back in no time.

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