Dating App For Weebs

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Guest Post Written By: Tomoko Omori

Dating App For Weebs

Nov 11, 2020 As you may suspect, I am having trouble finding these types of guys in the wild so I’m trying my luck with dating apps. After using several different apps, I have noticed that it is too time consuming to match with a guy, small-talk for a while and then later realize that he thinks video games are a waste of time and that anime is childish.

Congratulations! DragonFruit worked and helped you find your perfect geeky match. Now, it’s up to you. It’s time to meet up with your match and see if this love can last. It can be stressful to plan a date night for someone who’ve never met in real life, and it becomes even harder as there’s not too many great date ideas out there for those that love anime. To help, we’ve put together a guide to the best date night ideas for Anime Lovers.

Website For Weebs

1. Attend an anime convention together

What’s better than enjoying a day with your favorite characters, talking about your favorite story lines and sharing it all with your perfect match? Serious question, what is better than that? Many conventions offer a unique opportunity to experience your fandom together as you have heated debateson superior story arcs and bond over your love for your favorite characters like Deku, Luffy and Goku. Plus, conventions like these offer the best food around, like Japanese curry, onigiri (rice ball), and ramen.

2. Read your favorite manga together

These are the stories and characters that brought you together so why not go full otaku and read them together! Take turns, act them out, read the separately and discuss after – however you want to do it, it’s a great way to deeper your connection together.

3. Watch your favorite anime movie together


Similar to above, to help your match and yourself connect, pop in Your Name, Akira, Spirited Away or any of the other great anime movies out there. It’s a low-maintenance date idea that helps you ease into the conversation, and it gives you a wide variety of things to discuss – the plot line, whether the movie matches the comic book and your favorite parts. Hearing their thoughts will help you get to know the person better and find out if you truly are a perfect match. Order in Japanese curry from Go! Go! Curry, sushi or ramen to complete the night.

4. Dine like Ringo Oginome (Mawaru Penguindrum)

In episode three of Mawaru Penguindrum, Ringo Oginome is excited to prepare a batch of homemade curry for her crush. It didn’t go as planned for Ringo, so we suggest avoiding the same mistake and taking your crush out to eat at one of Go! Go! Curry’s seven restaurants. Go! Go! Curry serves authentic, high-quality Japanese curry – a thick, sweet sauce over Koshihikari rice with six different protein options, with pork or chicken being the most popular. Go! Go! Curry’s food and atmosphere is reminiscent of its native Japan and will help you set the right mood with your match.

If you’re feeling adventurous, Go! Go! Curry offers the World Champion – an extra-large rice portion size, with two pork cutlets, two chicken cutlets, four sausages, 2 shrimp, 2 eggs and shredded cabbage. Share it or challenge your match to a competition – the largest curry dish in America is no joke.

5. Attempt to cook at home

Maybe your attempt at curry will be more successful than Ringo’s. Whether its curry, ramen, takoyaki, onigiri, omurice or something else, cooking your character’s favorite food can be a fun experience for you and your match. Creating something together will bring you closer and trying a new food can increase the excitement of the date. If it goes horribly wrong, then you have a funny story to tell.

However you choose to spend your date night, remember Toradora, whose theme states “love isn’t admiration; it’s a mutual respect.” On your date, spend time getting to know each other, listen to each other talk about your favorite anime, among other topics, and respect each other’s opinions. The conversation will help you know if this is your true match in otaku heaven. This is the point of a date – but a delicious katsu curry doesn’t hurt either.

Find that geeky significant other in your life. Join DragonFruit, the only dating app for geeks by geeks. Now available for iOS an Android!

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How To Date A Weeb

Dating App For Weebs
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When it comes to lying in a relationship, some falsehoods seem to be more acceptable than others. For instance, lying about who you hang out with every Friday night is obviously not OK. Lying about liking your partner’s taste in music, especially during the early days, can be considered harmless. But relationship experts say, even if your partner doesn't lie about big things, the smallest lies or lying by omission can still affect your relationship in a major way. If your partner can't be honest about a few key issues, your relationship may be in trouble.

As Nadine Smiley, relationship coach at The Relationship Couch, tells Bustle, 'In order for a relationship to last, couples need to be honest about almost everything.” That means no lying by omission in a relationship or changing information in an effort to reduce conflict. Even lies meant to save your partner from hurt feelings can sometimes backfire and break the trust in your relationship.

While a big lie, like covering up an affair, is an obvious trust-killer, Kara Laricks, Three Day Rule's LGBTQ+ matchmaker and dating expert, tells Bustle that even the small lies can cause rifts, too. 'Lies tend to multiply and cause a barrier between you and your partner,' she says. 'The beauty of an intimate relationship is that lack of barriers. And that lack of barriers is what sets your relationship apart from all the other relationships in your life. If long-term intimacy is your goal, leave the lies behind.'

Below, experts share the lies that are red flags and what to do when someone lies to you in a relationship.

Your partner may not be cheating. But minimizing the extent of their interactions with others, whether it be an ex or a co-worker, indicates that they're doing something you’d probably not approve of. After all, if they're not doing anything wrong, why would they need to hide it or be less than completely honest? 'If you have interactions with others, share that information when you typically talk about your day,' Dr. Catherine Jackson, board certified neurotherapist who specializes in relationship coaching, tells Bustle. 'That way, nobody's hiding anything.'

If your partner lies about being over their ex when they're not, you’ll likely have trouble making your current relationship work. For one, cheating will be a concern, especially if their ex is still in their life. Secondly, this shows that your partner can't be honest about their feelings with you.

As Christine Scott-Hudson, licensed psychotherapist and owner of Create Your Life Studio, tells Bustle, 'It's impossible to have a healthy relationship with someone who can't be honest, authentic, and real.” If this is something that bothers you, talk it out with them to see if it's something you can move past together.

Unless they’re planning a surprise for you, there’s really no reason for your partner to lie about what they’re doing on their computer. As Angelika Koch, a relationship coach with LGBTQ+ dating platform and app, TAIMI, tells Bustle, “You should never ignore any lies in a relationship, no matter how big or how small. Paying attention to the lies is essential in the relationship because it shows you the level of honesty and openness that person has.”

Even them not sharing what movie they’re watching could lead you to question why they’re not telling you. Do they not trust you? Do they think you’d just laugh at them? What else are they lying about?

What To Do When Someone Lies To You In A Relationship

To be fair, many people lie and have lied in relationships. In fact, licensed psychologist Rachel Needle, Psy.D., says white lies are very common in relationship. But that doesn’t mean that should be tolerated.

“Each person has to decide for themselves what the dealbreakers in their relationship are,” Needle says. “Chronic lying or lies for personal gain, are some that many consider too much to come back from in a relationship, especially when your partner is not open to or willing to do work on themselves.”

When you find out that your partner has lied to you, consider the lie that was told, and then think about why your partner chose to lie in the first place. Did they lie to intentionally deceive, manipulate, or take advantage of you? Or, do they have low self-esteem and wanted to “sell” you on something that wasn’t true in order to look good?

If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes,” clinical psychologist, Dr. Carla Marie Manly suggests discussing the issue with your partner to see if trust can be rebuilt. “If your partner is consistently evasive, does not take responsibility, or continues to lie, exiting the relationship may be your only way to save your psychological health, self-esteem, and sanity,” she says.

But if your partner is willing to take responsibility, lies can present an opportunity to strengthen your relationship. As long as you and your partner are both determined to create a more open and honest relationship, this may be something you can overcome.


Nadine Smiley, relationship coach at The Relationship Couch

Dr. Catherine Jackson, board certified neurotherapist who specializes in relationship coaching

Christine Scott-Hudson, licensed psychotherapist and owner of Create Your Life Studio

Katie Ziskind, licensed marriage and family therapist

April Davis, matchmaker and relationship expert

Dating App For Weebs

Angelika Koch, a relationship coach with LGBTQ+ dating platform and app, TAIMI

Rachel Needle, Psy.D., licensed psychologist and Executive Director at the Whole Health Psychological Center

Sharon Gilchrest O’Neill, Ed.S., licensed marriage and family therapist

Dating App For Weebs People

Dr. Carla Marie Manly, a clinical psychologist